The Tension of Grace and Truth

Grace and truth.  Bless or curse.  Speak or remain silent.  Act or don’t act. Civil obedience or civil disobedience.  In these turbulent days of 2020, I feel like the Body of Christ is walking a tightrope trying to balance these issues that all seem so diametrically opposed to each other.  Which is the right choice?  I believe the answer from God is “BOTH.” 

Robert Madu’s sermon, “Living Between Tension & Grace” really hits the mark on this issue.  John 1:14 says that “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.  We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only Son from the Father full of grace and truth.”  The Body has swung wildly from one side of grace where we can’t say or do anything that is “not positive” or “makes people feel uncomfortable,” to the other side of “the truth hurts” so here, let me beat you over the head with scripture.  Neither of those extremes is right or correct.  The truth lies in the middle where there is balance.  

Physical fitness experts will tell you that to have good balance you have to have strong core muscles.  The same is true to be spiritually balanced.  Core spiritual muscles are developed in intimate prayer and study of scripture.  Throughout the Gospels, we see Jesus found it necessary to have alone time with Abba, Father.  To know what the Father feels, says, does and what Abba wants us to feel, say, and do, we have to be connected to Him.  The Body of Christ will never find balance without building these core muscles.  Each of us individually, will never find balance without that time building our relationship with Abba, Father. 

            Where are you out of balance?  Too much truth given with a bat?  Too much grace because you want to be nice?  The answer is between you and God.  In these turbulent times, you need to be able to hear what God is saying and be bold enough to follow through with what He asks. Find your balance, build your spiritual muscle — Get alone with God. Be obedient to what He asks you to do or say.